Podcast: Near-Death Experiences

Podcast Cover for Near Death Experience Episode

The latest Faith Beyond Podcast features an intriguing topic, Near-Death Experiences. Special Show Guest Sherman O’Bryan was leading a normal life. He served in the military, worked a variety of jobs over the years, and then adversity hit, and everything changed.

You can read about 5 other Near-Death Experiences here. But what do I think about it? Well, there’s something major I have learned in life, and it is this – do not judge something you have not yet experienced yourself. If you have never eaten toast with grape jelly, then how do you know what it tastes like? Sure, others may tell you what it tastes like, but that is not the same as you knowing, on a personal level, what it is like. That is very simplistic, I know. But, how can I have an opinion on Near-Death Experiences if I haven’t experienced it? I can’t.

With that said, I do find it fascinating. If you believe we move from this body on into a new existence after we die, an existence that extends beyond this earthly plane, then Near-Death Experiences seem like a logical step in that process. Check out Sherman’s story this week on the Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko Podcast and decide what you believe and/or think for yourself.

And be sure to check out more podcast episodes here. If you would like to become a sponsor, please check out that option here or email me at Tim@FaithBeyond.org for business sponsorship opportunities.

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