Podcast Episode #004: Mental Health Struggles

Mental Health with special guest Olivia Baer cover.

Our mental health can directly affect the quality of life we lead, but our society doesn’t always approach it the same way we do other injuries. For example, if we break an arm, we go to the hospital and get a cast so it can be stablished and have time to properly heal. If we sprain an ankle, we go to the doctor, and we likely will use a set of crutches or a walking boot. We are quick to seek help for all sorts of illnesses and ailments, yet when it comes to our mental health, we don’t always use that same sort of logic.

In this podcast episode, Olivia Baer joins us to talk about her own struggles mentally. Olivia is open and honest about her battles, and she discusses:

  • Being bullied in high school about her weight.
  • Changing her approach to fitness and losing 60 pounds in three months.
  • How she is managing her mental health.
  • How her self-image is still impacted by the negative comments others made about her.

We also touch base on 10 things you can do to help your mental health. Our Song of the Week and Sign of Hope fill out this week’s Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko Podcast. You can also find the Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko show on Spotify, Apple, and other podcast platforms.

If you are feeling alone, don’t. Check out our episode You Are Not Alone. And anyone who is having repeated suicidal thoughts or feels like they need help, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 988.

To support the Faith Beyond efforts, be sure to check out the Faith Beyond books, including Seth’s Snuggle Time Game, When the Cardinal Calls, and Child Loss 101. You can also sign up as a podcast supporter here or buy me a coffee to make a one-time show of support for this particular episode.

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Written by Tim Maceyko

Tim Maceyko is an author, coach, speaker, and podcast host. He lives in Cardington, Ohio with his wife, Trish. He is the founder of the Faith Beyond brand, hosts the Faith Beyond with Tim Maceyko Podcast, and has written multiple books. As a bereaved parent, Tim has a unique perspective on overcoming extreme adversity and finding faith again.

He is currently booking author signings and speaking engagements for the next year. Tim's motivational speech and inspiring delivery about finding success in life after extreme adversity hits has launched him onto the national speaking scene. Inquiries can be sent to Tim@FaithBeyond.org.

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