A Story of Hope

On the first day of spring in 2013, everything changed for father Tim Maceyko when he received a phone call. Child Loss was something that had never even crossed his mind. And losing his five-year-old son, Seth, caused him to doubt everything he thought he knew. His faith in the world was shaken, and the darkness was all-consuming, but a little red bird gave him hope right when he needed it most.

When the Cardinal Calls will inspire you to overcome adversity and along the way you will cry, smile, and feel the love one father had for his child. This book will open your eyes to the beauty that exists and remind you to cherish each day with the ones you love.

The Book Reviews

“Just reading the first paragraph and I knew I wouldn’t be able to put it down until it was done.”

Danielle Phelps

‘Tim did an amazing job with this book! I couldn’t put it down and read in one day. Truly an inspirational read; how he was able to find hope in the unimaginable. Great read!”


“This book is a MUST READ. ..You will go through so many emotions and your heart will rip out for Tim and his family…and then it gets put back together even better and bigger and much more full of love and appreciation for all of it. Perspective is everything and when your eyes are open and your heart and soul are willing to accept, you will get your sign, and in just the right moment and time that you need it most.”


In the original version of the book, there was a chapter about bunk bed safety. During editing, it was cut, but we felt strong enough about the importance of what it contained that we’ve decided to include it here. Click the button to the left and read the “missing chapter.”

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross